Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Geneva Centre for Autism has a great list of elearning opportunities : http://elearning.autism.net/some that are free, have a look, they have a great selection, covering a wide variety of interests and topics. 

I also have included a facebook link to the following Webinar that does cost, but is on a topic that we as families are often facing, and looking for resources on. I wanted to share with you, so you can check it out.:Certificate Workshop: Coping With Anxiety & Autism Spectrum Disorder: Techniques that Help Webinar

Learn about the impact of mild to severe anxiety in the daily lives of individuals with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. This training event will include examples of first-hand accounts; indicators of anxiety; assessment tools; and effective interventions that may decrease anxiety and enhance self-regulation.

Learning Objectives:
Participants will:

Define anxiety as a mental state and as a diagnosis
Identify potential causes of anxiety for individuals with ASD
Explain how assessment tools are used to identify anxiety triggers
Be able to develop an intervention plan based on anxiety assessment tools
Describe a variety of interventions to assist individuals with the reduction of anxiety

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